Wyoming Ranks #1

Wyoming state flag

How well run are America’s fifty states?  24/7 Wall St. has taken several months to consider that question. Our writers looked at hundreds of data sets ranging from debt rating agency reports to violent crime rates, unemployment trends and median income. Of those, we chose what we considered to be the 10 most important ranking of financial and overall government management. The best run state is Wyoming. The Worst is Kentucky. The standing of each is supported by their ranking in the data sets we considered, as are the rankings of all fifty states.

Wyoming state flag


Debt per Capita: $4,310 (2nd)
Unemployment Rate: 6.8% (8th)
Home Price Change (’06 – ’09): 23.6% (1st)
Median Household Income: $52,664 (19th)
Wyoming comes in first place in 24/7 Wall St.’s Best Run States. Falling in the top fifteen in every metric, including sixth in debt per capita and second in percent below the poverty line. The only two flaws in the state’s record is median income, where it ranks 19th, and health insurance coverage, where it ranks 32nd. It also ranks first in high school completion. With just over half a million residents, it is the least populous state.